
Planetfall – Review & Giveaway

What better way to start Sci-Fi Month than with the opportunity to win some shiny swag? Everybody loves shiny swag right?

So, without further ado, I present my very first giveaway! *squee*

The rules & the swag

The rules are pretty simple:

– The giveaway is open from now until the 14th of November 2015.

– Since the prizes aren’t too heavy, this one will be an international giveaway.

– To enter, scroll down to the rafflecopter at the end of this post, and submit your entries. A winner will be selected at random once the raffle has closed.

And here’s what you can win:

A signed copy of Planetfall, the latest novel from Emma Newman. The book came out from Roc on November 3rd and is getting a lot of good buzz. I’m leaving the blurb as well as my video review below if you’d like to know more about it.

A robot-themed tote bag. It’s a nice sturdy bag, with a bright robot print on the side & it was exclusive to GollanczFest 2015, so you can’t get one elsewhere. Since this was a goody bag, it comes with little extras like novel previews & buttons.

About Planetfall

From the award-nominated author Emma Newman, comes a novel of how one secret withheld to protect humanity’s future might be its undoing…

planetfallRenata Ghali believed in Lee Suh-Mi’s vision of a world far beyond Earth, calling to humanity. A planet promising to reveal the truth about our place in the cosmos, untainted by overpopulation, pollution, and war. Ren believed in that vision enough to give up everything to follow Suh-Mi into the unknown.

More than twenty-two years have passed since Ren and the rest of the faithful braved the starry abyss and established a colony at the base of an enigmatic alien structure where Suh-Mi has since resided, alone. All that time, Ren has worked hard as the colony’s 3-D printer engineer, creating the tools necessary for human survival in an alien environment, and harboring a devastating secret.

Ren continues to perpetuate the lie forming the foundation of the colony for the good of her fellow colonists, despite the personal cost. Then a stranger appears, far too young to have been part of the first planetfall, a man who bears a remarkable resemblance to Suh-Mi.

The truth Ren has concealed since planetfall can no longer be hidden. And its revelation might tear the colony apart…

My Review

If you’d like to hear what I thought of Emma Newman’s Planetfall, check out the review I filmed for my booktube channel:

Enter here!

If you’d like to win a signed copy of Emma Newman’s latest novel Planetfall and a sturdy robot tote bag from GollanczFest 2015, use the Rafflecopter below to submit your entries:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions! I’m new at this giveaway malarkey & I’m sure I’ve forgotten something or other…


Sort-of-Nanowrimo 2015: All Of The Editing

It’s that time of year again!

Around the world, many a brave, foolish soul is starting a brand new novel for National Novel Writing Month. Not so with me…


Enjoying my sharp design skillz, heh?


I’m still kind of participating, because how could I not? But, for the first time in all my years of Nano-ing, I don’t have a wordcount goal. YIKES.

That’s because, right now, I’m editing The Paradise Swarm.

I have plenty of ideas for new stories but stopping my edits to write something new would just be giving in to the temptation of the Shiny New Idea (sooo tempting!) and leaving this novel hanging.

I know what I need to do now is FINISH THIS BOOK, if only to gain the experience of getting to the end of a novel.

I’ve completed five Nanowrimos, and taken a good chunk out of two more, it’s something I know I can do. I haven’t completed a novel yet, so I’ll work on that.

Here’s how it is going to work

My plan is to do 50 hours of edits in November: it’s a big chunk of the work, more than an hour a day, and obviously I like that it keeps the magic number 50 in the equation.

I’m not sure how to log it on the Nano website, or even if I should – some people have suggested I put down 1,000 words for each hour of editing, since that would give me a win once I reached 50, but I’m not sure about that idea.

I write quite slowly and I know I’d never reliably 1K an hour all November long, so it doesn’t feel quite write to equate 50 hours of work with a Nanowrimo win when I normally put in about double that amount of time.

My Book Progress

Luckily, this new progress bar widget I backed on Kickstarter just funded, so I can use this as well as (or instead of?) the wordcount feature on the Nano website.
MyBookProgress looks pretty nifty so far, although it doesn’t have an option to log hours at the moment – I’ve suggested that for a future update. So, for now, I’ve set my goal as 50 scenes edited in November, which is a bit more of an ambitious goal than 50 hours – but ambition is no bad thing, especially not in November!!

The Paradise Swarm
Phase:2nd Draft
Due:9 years ago

I’ve only done an hour so far (coincidentally, I did a full scene then as well if a short one), but I should be able to do more this evening!

The Nanowrimo Tag

If you’d like to hear more about my Nanowrimo experiences in general, check out the Nanowrimo Tag:


Sci-Fi Month 2015 Introduction!


Welcome to Sci-Fi Month 2015!

It’s my first time participating & I’m really excited for the month ahead. I might not read a ton of new works (I’m stepping up work on editing my novel this month for Nanowrimo) but I can’t wait to dig in to the Sci-fi portion of my TBR. Without further ado, here is a little bit more of an intro:

Tell us a little bit about yourself


The internet wants more cat pictures, right?


I’ve been a fan of sci-fi & fantasy stories since pretty much forever.

I have a booktube channel that focuses on SFF and I’m currently writing a steampunky-horrory Victorian medical mystery, complete with an airship crash and mutated carnivorous plants.

Aside from books, I like crafting, board games, chocolate, twitter and my cat, a 10-year-old rescue called Tabby, who is the sweetest, most ridiculous feline ever.

How long have you been a fan of science fiction?

I came to science-fiction through fantasy: I was raised on The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings as bedtime stories & fell completely in love with Dragonriders of Pern when I was 12. As soon as those books took a sci-fi turn, I was hooked & wanted to read more.

In high-school, I neglected assigned reading & devoured classics like Brave New World, Farenheit 451 and 1984 instead. Now I’ll read anything that can be labelled as genre fiction, but I especially love social science-fiction, historical fantasy & weird books that mixes genres.

Why do you like sci-fi and what is your favourite thing about it?

I’m obsessed with all the ‘What ifs?’ in speculative fiction, so I tend to love big books with epic world-building or really weird ideas. Before I moved to the UK, I did a degree in English Language, Literature & Cultural History, and I’m still quite nerdy about these things. I love a book that goes deep into explaining a culture, or discusses language in an innovative way. The linguistic & cultural aspects were my favourite thing about Ann Leckie’s Ancillary Justice and its sequels.

Favourite books/games/films/TV shows in the genre?

Well that’s certainly a broad question! Let’s tackle these one by one:


All time favourites include The Dispossessed, Dune & Nightfall. Recently, I’ve really enjoyed The Martian, but the latest books to really stand out for me have been Neal Stephenson’s Seveneves & Ann Leckie’s Imperial Radch trilogy.
ancillary covers

Video games

My current favourite is FTL: Faster Than Light, a tense resource-management rogue-like with awesome pixel art. I also really, really want to play Civilization: Beyond Earth but my current PC specs isn’t quite up-to-scratch. One day…

Board games

galaxy truckerOne of my favourite board games ever is Galaxy Trucker: a space opera game in which you’re just trying to get to the end of the mission with your spaceship in one piece. That’s be easier if you didn’t build your spaceship out of random parts at the opening of each game, in a timed, competitive tile-laying round.

I also really enjoy Race for the Galaxy, a card game in which you build a space empire by collecting planets – it also gets bonus points for being an excellent two-player game.


I don’t go to the cinema nearly as much as I’d like to, as it’s gotten ridiculously pricy, but I recently saw The Martian & absolutely loved it. Here’s to hoping its success means we get more cool sci-fi films! Honestly my sci-fi film knowledge is lacking A LOT, so if you have any suggestions for things I should watch please let me know in the comments!


I’m an unabashed Firefly fangirl, I love Futurama & I still have a soft spot for Sliders, which I used to watch in high school.

I’m not 100% on calling Doctor Who science-fiction, there’s too much hand-wavy ridiculousness (and I’ll often rage about it), but I still watch. Favourite episodes include Blink & The Doctor’s Wife, I’m also pretty excited about the introduction of Maisie Williams’ character, fingers crossed this plotline goes somewhere neat!

What are your plans for Sci-Fi Month?

longwayI’m hoping to make a good dent in the Sci-Fi side of my TBR pile, which includes The Three by Sarah Lotz, Binti & The Book of Phoenix by Nnedi Okorafor, and Calculating God by Rob Sawyer.

I’m currently reading The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers, and I will be hosting the 3rd week of the Readalong organised by Lisa at Over the Effing Rainbow.

I have a signed book and a few other sci-fi themed bits & bobs to give away, so keep an eye out for that later in the month!


Top 5 Wednesday: Halloween Recommendations

This week on Top 5 Wednesday, it’s all about spoooooky Halloween recommendations! I didn’t have time to film a video, but I still wanted to get in on the action this week, as I love recommending books.

Nightfall, Isaac Asimov & Robert Silverberg

Nightfall_coverNobody the planet Kalgash has ever experienced full darkness or even seen the stars, bathed in the ever-present light of their six suns. But once every two millennia, a rare eclipse plunges the world into night. When the suns start setting one by one and night falls for the first time in living memory, the terror of darkness overthrows civilisation & brings with it unfathomable chaos & destruction.

This novel would make a great read any time of year, but it’s perfect for Halloween, because of the tension that’s maintained throughout. In the first part of the book, there’s a great sense of upcoming dread as the protagonists slowly discover that a full eclipse is imminent. Of course they try to predict the possible consequences, prevent some of them & prepare for what they can’t avoid, but there isn’t much they can do to keep chaos in check. If you liked The Day of the Triffids, you’d enjoy this, I think.

Coraline, Neil Gaiman

CoralineA mysterious passageway leads Coraline from her the drawing room into a flat decorated exactly like her own, but strangely different, and into the arms of her “other” parents. They’re much more interesting than her own, despite their disturbing black button eyes, but they want to keep her forever & Coraline isn’t keen on having buttons sawn into her eyes. With only the help of a bored-through stone and an aloof cat, Coraline sets out to rescue her real parents & the three children trapped in the mirror.

This exquisitely creepy story is my favourite Neil Gaiman book and is about a bajillion times scarier than the blurb would have you think. It’s a fast read & a perfect Halloween treat. I’d recommend reading it first, then watching the beautiful stop-motion film by Henry Selick (who also directed The Nightmare Before Christmas).

Maplecroft, Cherie Priest

maplecroft“Lizzie Borden took an axe and gave her mother forty whacks; and when she saw what she had done, she gave her father forty-one…”

Lizzie was found innocent of the murders, but the entire town of Fall River, Massachusetts still suspects her – and why should they not? Lizzie did kill her father and his second wife. Or what was left of them. Now Lizzie lives on the edge of town in a big house with a reinforced basement where she is free to study the malevolent entities that crawled from the depths of the ocean and consumed the souls of her parents. No matter what guise this evil assumes, Lizzie will be waiting for it. With an axe.

Cherie Priest’s take on the aftermath of the Borden murders gives us Lizzie and her trusty axe standing as Fall River’s last defence against unspeakable evil, even as the townspeople continue to fear her as a ruthless murderer. It’s an absolutely chilling story, bathed in a sinister, Lovecraftian light: I loved it A LOT.

It’s no news around here that I LOVE Cherie Priest’s work, partly because she tends to focus on things I’m very much interested in too. This is no exception, Maplecroft does tick a lot of my boxes: it’s a historical fantasy with gothic undertones, it features the fantastical/the arcane being studied as a science, and it’s an epistolary. Just writing this little snippet makes me want to re-read it! Lucky for me, Chapelwood (the Borden Dispatches #2) has just come out & my copy arrived yesterday!


Carmilla, J. Sheridan LeFanu

carmillaEighteen-year-old Laura lives alone with her widower father in an isolated Austrian castle, until one day, an unexpected carriage accident brings Carmilla into their midst. On meeting her, Laura recognises Carmilla as the beautiful visitor that came to her bedchamber in a dream when she was six years old.

Yet more of the gothic vibe for me this Halloween! An early work of vampire fiction, Carmilla was published over 25 years before Bram Stoker’s Dracula. I had heard of it when I took a Gothic Literature class at university but I hadn’t read it yet, so I decided it was high time to pick it up. I’ve only just started it, and even though the language is quite flowery & overwrought, I’m really intrigued by it so far. It’s also been adapted into a webseries by the people who made The Lizzie Bennett Diaries, so I’m looking forward to watching that!

The Three, Sarah Lotz

41fJpid8ePL._SX323_BO1,204,203,200_Out of the wreckage of four simultaneous plane crashes, three child survivors are found. Amidst global panic, officials frantically search for the cause of the crashes, the press focuses its relentless attention on ‘The Three’ and their trauma-induced behavioural problems, and the charismatic leader of a rapture cult insists the children are three of the four harbingers of the apocalypse. Forced to go into hiding, the children’s behaviour becomes so disturbing that even their guardians begin to question their miraculous survival…

I picked up this book at Nine Worlds, and I must confess that I haven’t read it yet. I wasn’t going to include it here, but Sarah Lotz has just won a British Fantasy Award: Best Newcomer for The Three this week-end! Huge congratulation to her, and now this book has just jumped right to the top of my TBR pile. I’m hoping to get to it right after Carmilla!

I hope you enjoyed these spooky Halloween recommendations, let me know what’s on your TBR this week in the comments below and, as ever, if you have any reading recommendations for me based on those books, please do let me know!


My 8 Desert Island Books! #BAMB 2015

Books Are My Bag is a nationwide campaign to celebrate brick and mortar bookshops, because they are beautiful, magical places full of wonder. Books Are My Bag week happened a few weeks back (I know this post is a bit behind the times, but it’s been a hectic month!) and I got myself some nifty swag, including this adorable tote bag:


This year, the folks at Books Are My Bag challenged us to come up with our ‘Desert Island Reads’, ie. the eight books we would take to a desert island. In the spirit of approaching things like a grown-up, I will not go with my first answer of “Seven Harry Potter books and the script of the new play” and I will make an actual list:

1) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, JK Rowling
I couldn’t very well *not* include a Harry Potter book, now, could I? Prisoner of Azkaban is my favourite, because it features my lovelies Sirius & Remus, WHO ARE BOTH FINE AND DANDY, don’t you dare!

 2) Dragonsinger, Anne McCaffrey
This is my favourite Dragonriders of Pern book, although it does have problematic things in it, because well- PERN. I re-read it about once a year.

3) His Dark Materials Omnibus, Philip Pullman
I am totally having the omnibus edition of all three books, because it isn’t cheating since it’s all in one physical book. Also I’ve not re-read these since my teens & I really want to.


4) Ship of Magic, Robin Hobb
This one was harder to choose: it’s the first in The Liveship Traders trilogy, which I dearly love, but I also haven’t re-read it in years, so I feel like I’d be dissatisfied when I was done with this one book & didn’t have the other two. There’s no omnibus – you better believe I checked.

5) Of Noble Family, Mary Robinette Kowal
The final book in the Glamourist Histories & my favourite of the lot. It has some really cool study-of-magic-as-science aspects, especially relevant to my interests because they discuss the language they use a lot, and I LOVE that. Kowal also makes each book can stand alone, so it wouldn’t matter so much if I could never re-read the first four.


And now, because I’m greatly daring & possibly very foolish, I pick three books I haven’t read yet to come with me on a desert island forever.

6) The Left Hand of Darkness, Ursula K LeGuin
I know from other works I’ve read of LeGuin’s that I enjoy her sparse style and that I’m engaged with the themes she chooses to focus on. So many people whose opinion I trust love this book, I’m confident I would like it too. Honestly the only reason I haven’t read it yet is that I’ve not really felt like I had the time/brain space to properly concentrate on it. I bet that’ll be a big problem on the desert island.

7) Hogfather, Terry Pratchett
I’m slowly catching up with the Discworld after making a late start into the series. I’d pick Hogfather because,as far as I know, it’s one of the more stand-alone ones. It might also be nice to have a book that’s a bit more festive (although it might just upset me if I’m all alone on a desert island…).

8) Fevre Dream, George RR Martin
I love Martin’s writing, but I can’t pick one of the Song of Ice and Fire books. I love them but we have two more books to go & I wouldn’t want to spend my desert island days being reminded that I have no idea how the series wraps up!

Fevre Dream is one of Martin’s earlier novels, it’s a standalone about vampires & it’s very well regarded, so I’d go for that one.


Let me know what you think of these picks in the comments below, would you choose any of the same books or just a completely different list?